Idols aren’t something Christians want to think much about. Scripture is clear. God does not tolerate devotion or worship of anything before Himself (Exodus 20:2 and Deuteronomy 5:6). Perhaps I should speak for myself alone; the idea of worshipping idols is a startling, fear-inducing thought to encounter.

Nothing Before God

Given the challenge to assess reality, I become intensely aware of my sin nature. If I’m brutally honest, much like Jacobs beloved Rachel, I can catch myself periodically stealing and stowing idols, pretending to myself and the world, they aren’t there. Y’all know how well Rachel’s story went for her, right? (Genesis 29:9-35:19)

This whole idol thing might be easier to recognize and rage battle with if they didn’t present themselves in such a variety of forms. Often described as graven images, idols may be mistaken as merely figurines or statues. But the truth is, you name it, and we humans can find a way to worship it. It’s insanity.

Two Questions

Described in his book, Picking Up The Pieces, Lou Priolo asks two questions when determining an idol. “Have you been willing to sin so that you can get what you want?” And, “Have you been willing to sin as a result of not being able to get what you want? (Do you become sinfully angry, hateful, vindictive, argumentative, unreasonable, irritable, critical, withdrawn, etc., when you are not able to have what you want?)”

I found it convicting, as Priolo asserts, that if the answer to either question is, ‘Yes’, then it can be assumed I want that thing, far too much. When I choose my will instead of God’s, I have taken for myself, an idol. When I esteem anything or anybody over God, I have made an idol. These questions remarkably clarify the issue, don’t they?

Applying these questions to apparent things like possessions, people, or food is easy enough to discern. But how about complicated stuff like ideologies, dearly held values, traditions, rights, respect, fame or any number of comfort zones. Virtually anything or anybody can become an idol.

Toe-to-Toe With The Almighty God

Imagine standing toe-to-toe in opposition of the Creator of the world. Imagine having the audacity to challenge the One and only almighty God of the universe, -the very God who gives breath and life.

But that’s just the thing. The moment I choose my thoughts and my values over God’s, I can’t honestly believe He is all that. How could I?

My actions rat me out. I must not believe or understand His supreme power. I could never take the risk of demanding lesser things, -challenging God like that if I genuinely believed.

Belief and Unbelief

Faced with issues of unbelief in my life, I am comforted by Mark 9:24. Like the father who brought his possessed son to Jesus for healing (Mark 9:14-29), when Jesus asks him if he believes, the father answers,

“Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”

Jesus responded to this father’s pleas, by setting free and healing the possessed son. Doesn’t that speak hope for us all?! I pray this father’s words often when the potential of unbelief presents itself in my life.

Dethrone and Destroy

Belief in God dethrones idols. When idols become evident by sinful behavior, belief in God and repentance is the answer. The Psalmist in Psalm 139:23-24 prays,

“Search me, O God, and know my heart:
try me, and know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.”

As preparation for Christmas is well underway, I can’t think of a more grateful, loving and believing thing to do than to ask God’s help discovering and repenting of idols. I’m praying for discernment and understanding.

God help us to believe!

Hebrews 3:12-13

Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.