Hope In Christ Alone

Hope In Christ Alone

Let’s chat about Hope It took a few infinitely disturbing moments to climb out of my sleep-induced stupor before realizing from where the dark clouded anxiety was coming. I had another nightmare. A dream filled with ‘old ghosts’ of despair. And...
Too Cool For Jesus?

Too Cool For Jesus?

Have you observed of late the mention of Jesus or God being excluded from conversations that used to be commonplace between us? I’m addressing Christian women’s discussions, not the world’s or amongst the lost. Consider current Christian culture with...
Name Your Idol(s)

Name Your Idol(s)

Idols aren’t something Christians want to think much about. Scripture is clear. God does not tolerate devotion or worship of anything before Himself (Exodus 20:2 and Deuteronomy 5:6). Perhaps I should speak for myself alone; the idea of worshipping idols is a...
Scripture Gifts

Scripture Gifts

All Scripture Is A Gift From God Have you ever experienced Scripture as a gift? Isn’t God amazing? If I only had space and time to tell you all the things I’ve seen and the way God has moved! To this very day, I am stirred to my core and am overwhelmingly...
The Day I Met Stache

The Day I Met Stache

Big Dreams I had dreamed of it all year. Spending the summer working on staff at Hume Lake Christian Camp was going to launch my independence and give me the environment I needed to finally “find God” in a consistent, undeniable, and life-changing way. [image credit:...
My Hope

My Hope

Have you ever had a specific directive asked of you that you’ve neglected to complete?  With no apparent circumstances pushing for accomplishment, you repeatedly – for THIRTY YEARS, run in a cycle of ‘neglect and forget.’ Such was the case...