You Can Trust God to Write Your Story: Embracing the Mysteries of Providence

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Published: 9/3/2019
WHAT’S GOD DOING IN YOUR STORY? Our kids beg us for stories at bedtime or while we drive; we gather around firepits and dinner tables to tell and retell our favorite tales—the more dramatic the better. But when it comes to our actual lives, we prefer something less sensational, even boring—sunny skies and smooth sailing, please and thank you. We want our own stories to be predictable, safe, controllable, and catastrophe-free. When plans fall apart,…

When you begin a book, and the tribute page grips your soul, squeezing out instant grateful praise to God, you can be pretty sure you’ve got a gem in your hands. Such was my experience as I began to read, ‘You Can Trust God With Your Story,’ by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Robert Wolgemuth.

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A genuine blessing, right from the start!

Imagine these words of the author’s Pastor, Dr. William Hogan, being spoken over your life, “Who goes before you? The King of glory!” This visionary statement, biblically true for us all, sets the tone for what is to come. As the book subtitle suggests, “Embracing the Mysteries of Providence,” – readers of this book are in for quite an awe-inspiring, hope-filled encounter with the living God. 

A book of stories | A book ABOUT stories

In the pages that follow, Nancy and Robert carefully relay one gripping story after the other. They unfold many testimonies of God’s providence in peoples lives, along with their own. Uniquely, Robert further describes, “This is also a book ABOUT stories. More specifically, it’s about the overarching, eternal, often-unseen Story that God is writing in this broken, fallen world.” 

They go on to “explore what [God’s] Story has to do with our individual stories and how it intersects with our unanswered questions and pain.” I found these aspects of the book exceptionally enlightening to my own story, and I believe you, my friends and family, may benefit from it as well.

Testimonies of trust in God

As I took in one story after the other, I began praising God concerning His grander story. In preparation for this review, I noted, ‘I wept myself through Chapter 8.’ Chapter after Chapter, I went back to my notes and changed the numbers, ‘Chapters 8-9,’ ‘Chapters 8-10.’ Finally noted, ‘Chapters 8-13, I wept myself through the testimonies of trust in God through suffering.’ 

Completely riveted, I read the book through, in a day. As stated in one of my social media posts regarding the book, ‘What I have just read has given me an entire day of soul-wrenching worship and praise. I can’t possibly recommend it any higher! I pray my perspective on life is forever changed to God’s glory.’

Practical Direction, Perspective, and Hope

The book concludes with practical direction as we learn to trust God with our lives. One interesting question they pose, “What has God permitted to be a part of your story that seems inconsistent with His goodness and love?” I believe this is an excellent question to consider for ourselves! What would you say?

At the end of it all, Nancy and Robert assert, “Not only can you trust God to write your story; you can also be sure that, in the end, He will right your story!” For those of us still making sense of this thing called life, You Can Trust God To Write Your Story, is a book of compassionate reality, handing readers practical, God-honoring perspective and tangible hope.

Let’s chat real soon!




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