Welcome to Grammie’s all-time favorite list of – Gifts For Families! I just LOVE the idea of family group gifts, don’t you? Especially at Christmas, they nostalgically bring back memories of old, all-together family fun days, long gone-bye.

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The trouble with group gifts for families is, all too often, they are imbalanced. They may bring cheer to one person, but for another person, not so much. The thought of that alone is a nightmare to folks who want every family member to feel equally valued, known and loved.

But that’s what makes this list so uniquely great! There’s something here for everybody, and if the ideas don’t quite match your family’s taste, perhaps the categories themselves will spark ideas towards choices that do.

Home for Christmas

So, to begin:

#1. Choose a Theme.

The theme I’m building here is budget-adjustable – Family Time. The very idea of gifts for families, as opposed to individuals, suggests gifts intended to be shared. Be sure to make your theme one that celebrates your family’s unique personality.

#2. Pick a favorite ‘Food Prep Fun’ item (or two!) that will enhance family events – something to share and enjoy for years to come.

The backstory on this list began some eighteen years ago or so when a single, family friend bought our family a Hot Chocolate Maker. All five of our kids (ages 5-19 at the time) were instantly delighted. The Stache and I, on the other hand, although grateful, – thought the guy was completely out of touch. We were so wrong!!!

That silly machine still exists in our kitchen today. It has been the obvious star ‘treat maker’ of MANY family nights and holidays, ever since!!

The key factors to making the best choice in this section are the family’s taste in treats and level of independence. Because it was a family gift, I gave relative free rein on its use.

Our kids loved having the freedom to pull the machine out and make the chocolate themselves – serving anyone else interested, as well. Several kids crafted their own recipes where sibling competitions broke out on who’s was the best. (Our ‘baby’, now 22yrs old, is the reigning champion, but please, don’t tell the others I said that!)

You might wonder about the Picnic Basket suggestion. I highly value traditions! Pulling out the Picnic Basket(s) for family outings, loading it with traditional favorites, is simply part of building a shared sense of community and fun.

We load ours with core money-saving essentials like homemade sandwiches, veggies, fruit, and drinks. This gives our budget the freedom to purchase a treat at the outing locations without ‘breaking the bank.’ When the Picnic Basket gets pulled out, everybody knows, -some family fun is about to be had!

#3. Choose two or more in-home Family Activities.

Some of our favorite memories together are set around the many book series I read aloud to our kids. With a fifteen-year span between our oldest and youngest, I can tell you, start young, cuddle up together and simply read! The kids all love it.

I choose group reading selections geared somewhat towards the eldest, and the younger kids listen along, loving to be included. You can go back years later and catch the younger ones up for double the joy!

Classic games have been available and played in our home as far back as I can remember. Admittedly, sometimes the games have been consumed (lost pieces, broken boxes, etc.), but they always seem to bring enough enjoyment to warrant replacing. Availability is key! There’s something about an older sibling agreeing to join a game at the request of the younger that warms a mom’s heart.

Both Stache and I grew up playing card games with our grandparents. Around here, the tradition lives on! When G-Papa and Gigi head to our house for a visit, we set out the basket of cards (all 8 decks!) before their plane hits the ground. Sure enough, our adult kids bring their babies ‘home’ and the games begin!

#4. Choose one or more Family Outings.

Family outings provide amazing opportunities for growth, bonding, and fun – not to mention the memories! I’m so grateful we’ve been able to prioritize these types of events from time to time. Our adult kids’ eyes still light up when retelling some of our old stories. Such great times!!

Depending on your location, an Amtrak Train ride provides great family fun! Our family has experienced a couple of short day trips, as well as a cross-country 2-day trip on Amtrak. These trips were some of our fondest!!

Several of the links below are for locations in and near Indianapolis, Indiana. They highlight possibilities that may be in your local area. The point is to give ideas – but hey(!), if you’re located near Indy, you’ll be good to go!

And there you have it, Grammie’s favorite list of Gifts For Families. Now all that’s needed is to wrap up your collection of inspired choices and watch some intentional family time unfold. May your memories be precious and sweet!

I’d love to hear your ideas! Did the list help you craft your own, or did you find ideas here you could use? Let’s chat!

Bonus Idea: Book a Family Photo Session!

Talk about memories! Admittedly, the ‘Littles’ in your family may not enjoy the process of a family photo session, but all will enjoy the results for years to come! We are grateful to Karsyn Overdorf Photography for her kind, patient and professional skill at capturing our latest family gathering, September 2019.

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