Former California Girl

Lord knows, out here in the Midwest I’m a tough one to please when we’re talkin’ about fresh produce. It’s not like I WANT to be difficult or persnickety. I’m generally amiable enough. But you know, I WAS raised in California. I have standards!

No Garden

For various reasons, Stache decided this Spring to forgo planting a garden on our Hobby Farm. It was the right decision, but goodness! It’s mid-August, and this girl is suddenly missing the abundant produce that is usually crowding us out of house and home about now.

Earlier this week we were reminiscing together about ‘real’ tomatoes. Stache agreed to stop by a corner Veggie Stand. We left there with a couple/three days worth of farm tomatoes, -and a near empty wallet! Stache says with that little bounty, he spent more than his entire seed budget for any given year. Fortunately, the tomatoes were glorious!

This morning I woke and desperately decided to give the Noblesville Farmers Market a try.

You must have already guessed it. Isn’t God kind?! It was a delightful morning filled with beloved sites and sounds of live folk music, marvelous fresh produce, and FLOWERS! It wasn’t the same as any other I’ve seen, but in its own unique way, it was quite a lovely Farmer’s Market.

So, what’s all this fluff and fuss about Farmer’s Markets, and garden produce? What does it have to do with husbands, children, homemaking or God? Well, God being the Giver of every good and perfect gift, loves a thankful heart!

Gifted a heart delight!

Can I receive the farm gifts I received today and not be thankful? God calls us to be thankful in everything. Check out Colossians 3, and Philippians 4, -but you can surely find this general theme throughout the Bible.

So, I have to ask. I’d love to hear! Did God bless you with a gift today? Is there a new little anything you have cause to thank God for? Do you have something BIG you can shout to the rooftops?! God will be pleased by your thankfulness.