Imagine God sending you a friend explicitly intending to help you grow as a godly woman. She would be an older woman, deeply respectful about the things of God, sober, -as in not prone to drunkenness (she needn’t be boring!), and definitely not the gossiping type.

An experienced personal tutor of sorts, she would be uniquely equipped to teach, lead, and encourage you on all matters of life and godliness. Sounds pretty awesome, right? I believe Titus 2:3-5 is precisely that. An awesome calling. A kind provision to younger women straight from the will of God.

Among the many women who have poured sacrificially into my life, I am bursting to tell you about two. Next to God himself, these women have been essential to my growth as a woman in Christ.

Before I get going here, I have to say, tributes can be a bit complicated to write. They have the potential to either acknowledge too little, or they overly buildup a person into an unrealistic model that bears too little truth for the comfort and integrity of the person being appreciated. I’ll attempt to avoid both.

Titus 2 women are not women of perfection, they have need of God like you, and I need God. They have had their own trials throughout life, and like every other follower of Christ on this side of heaven, they continue their battle against sin. Still, they are faithful, intentional servants of God. Beyond their easily observed gifts and virtues, their faithfulness is likely that which inspires my admiration the most.

From the moment I met her, Stache’s mom was an obvious Godsend. Soon she was my mother-in-law-and-love (MIL&L) and a most dearly cherished friend. The woman lives out grace as I had never encountered before. She never interferes but has been perpetually available with encouragement while I labored to figure out life and love.

Before I married, I had not given much thought to honoring parents beyond the simple act of obedience and love as a child. Throughout my early marriage, I had the opportunity to watch my MIL&L serve and honor her mother through debilitating and life-robbing illness.

Witnessing her long YEARS of selfless, loving service all while laboring to maintain her marriage, her home, and continue to serve her family and community, was nothing short of phenomenal. Mom’s modeling of self-less love hugely impacted my life and values.

Over the years, mom and I have gone through numerous studies together. She prays earnestly for her son (my Stache) and grandchildren. She continues to pray for me and with me.

Although my mother gave me a strong foundation and confidence in the kitchen that I am forever grateful for, it was my MIL&L that ignited my creativity with her joy and exceptional skill. She passed on to me her love of serving and entertaining.

Transferring with my husband’s job from California to Indiana meant I no longer had free contact with my first Titus 2 mentor. It didn’t take long for me to know I needed to reach out and find a local friend. I had no idea the gift the Lord was preparing.

No doubt, I have many friends, but there is one particular friend who has come to know me and loves me like none other. She has invested herself in my life beyond my adequate words. Some undefined years my senior, I consider her one of my dearest friends.

We first met over fourteen years ago when I asked our church’s leadership for a referral to a new mentor. At the outset, one could have assumed we had as many differences as we have similarities. Quite honestly, before I knew her, I wasn’t sure at our pairing. But God knew!

My friend is a faithful woman of God. She is a beautifully devoted daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, and friend. She is astoundingly brave and well studied. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned a Bible passage or a newly found book that she hasn’t already read or is reading. The woman is genuinely brilliant and complex.

She challenges me spiritually and never fails to inspire me towards growth in Christ. She genuinely encourages and prays for me. She makes it a priority among her many personal cares to pray for my husband and children. Greater still, she trusts me to pray for her.

You might wonder at the value of attempting to list out the many virtues of these women. Simply stated, God enjoys a thankful heart! Our remembrance and gratefulness of gifts greatly honor God the Giver. Certainly, I intend to honor the women themselves -but God most of all.

I hope my God-sent friends inspire you! If you are a younger woman looking for an older woman/friend, ask God! As we see in James 1:17, He is the giver of every good and perfect gift. You can be confident you are asking Him a request within his will.

For those of you qualified older women, still wondering if you are “old” enough? If you walk intimately with God and you’ve “been around the block” a few times (so to speak), rest assured you have all it takes. Reach out. There are young women in need of your God-honoring, obedient, and servant-hearted leadership.

I look forward to hearing your grateful stories. How has God blessed your life with a Titus 2 Godsend?