Let’s chat about Hope
It took a few infinitely disturbing moments to climb out of my sleep-induced stupor before realizing from where the dark clouded anxiety was coming. I had another nightmare. A dream filled with ‘old ghosts’ of despair. And utterly empty of hope.
Admittedly, I did it to myself. Earlier the day before, I read a widely reported story here in Indiana, involving COVID-19. The story struck against highly held values regarding family advocacy, and end-of-life care, triggering significant anxious thoughts about the future. I allowed them to grab ahold of me.
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Finding Hope with Truth
Oppressive darkness such as this dream imposed has a way of hovering without the direct combat of Truth. Have you ever experienced this? I literally speak Scripture out loud until anxious thoughts calm and leave my mind. Any passage of the Bible can be used, but Psalm 27:1 is one of my favorites. I use it often in the night where fears lie, waiting.
‘The Lord is my light and my salvation;
Psalm 27:1 NASB
Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the defense of my life;
Whom shall I dread?’

Twenty-some odd years ago or so, I found myself in one of the most devastating seasons of my life. Details hardly matter, and frankly, they aren’t all mine to share. But suffice it to say, I have healed as much as I have and live as I do today, because God willed it.
Previously, I’ve shared my Early Encounters with God and how I came to know of Him. Those first years of my Christain walk became a grave disappointment for those who knew me. If motivated by sincere love, they had every reason for intercessory prayer and concern – and today, I am grateful for them.
On a survival quest that even I didn’t understand, I entangled myself with all manner of rebellion and sin, going places where no girl who knows Christ, should ever go.
Eventually, early adult and motherhood brought with it a measure or two of genuine wisdom and repentance. God was ever kind and in pursuit of me. Still, from time to time, I wandered off searching in all the wrong places – for love, for joy, for peace, and ultimately, for the Hope, I had already found!
Empty Hope
Swinging the pendulum from my youth, it wasn’t long before I had collected a lifestyle of ‘Christ-pleasing’ standards. They had the sincerest intent of godliness. Whether they were pleasing ways to live before God or not isn’t the point. They unwittingly wheedled their way to becoming an empty hope.
I fell prey to the appearance of righteousness with very little God. God was with me, but I was distracted, motivated by fear, forgetting my hope in Christ alone. What’s worse is – at the time, I was honestly blind!
These era-defining, family-focused, best intentions blessed our family in many ways. But eventually, there came a day of reckoning. What I found in this season of intense sorrow was, I had a lot of things I did presumably ‘for God,’ but I had a minimal relationship with Him.
Discovering my life more empty than I knew, I can tell you, my lifestyle didn’t hold me together when my world was falling apart. Praise God, as I cried out to Him, Christ did!
Suddenly plunged into uncharted waters – oceans poured out in soul grief, God was faithful to strip my ignorant props away. Although I had had encounters with Jesus time and again, ranging back to childhood, I finally knew him as my solid rock as in Psalm 18:2, and as my friend.
‘The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer;
Psalm 18:2 NKJV
My God, my strength, in whom I will trust;
My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.’

Hope in Christ
The year 1999, two years before the now-famous modern-day hymn ‘In Christ Alone‘ was written, I took on a self-challenging focus slogan, ‘Hope-In-Christ-Alone-Mom.’ Prone to wander and simply forget, this slogan is a reminder to myself of my one and only Hope.
So why all the drama? Why share such personal ancient history? Why always about me? Psalm 66:16 states,
‘Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul.’
Psalm 66:16 NASB

The Bible is full of stories passed down throughout generations, telling of God’s loving pursuit of his people. Old stories give context, shed light, and stir up memories of God’s faithfulness. Although we shouldn’t stay stuck in the past, never growing beyond it – God’s faithfulness in our past life is sweet comfort in regards to our future.
Testimonies of Hope
When I share old stories about my life, it is my desire that you perhaps relate to some element of the story and then become encouraged by what God has done in the midst of it. God has inconceivably sought me out, never abandoning me in my mess.
Paul of the Bible writes in 1 Timothy 1:15,
‘It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all.’
1 Timothy 1:15 NASB
This verse resonates deeply with me and concisely states my hope in Christ.
Titus-Two blogging is one of sharing, inspiring, and searching for ways to help women – using the gifts God has given through life experience and the Bible.
In times such as we live, concerning this particular coronavirus, quarantines, and resulting financial crises, I can share pantry meal ideas and all such as that. I can encourage wives and mothers with practical ways to serve families.
Finding Hope in Crisis
But my heart longs to share more deeply the hope Christ gives to all who will listen. In my experience, without this focused hope that overcomes fear, anxiety, and distraction, there is little point to the others.

You and me, we can’t know our immediate future. Tomorrow we could be wildly rejoicing, while in another day – a month – or a year, we could be weeping together, with hearts broken. We’re together in this. Please don’t assume that I am somehow unaffected and therefore have unreal faith.
We know from the Bible that Psalms and hymns have a soothing effect on our spirit. Recently, I witnessed their immediate impact on a loved one.
Mind-boggling to me, this dear sister in Christ has more than once been known to sing herself through the halls of a hospital before a procedure. In the grip of uncontrolled pain after surgery, she asked those with her to sing along. As she was supported by oxygen, helping her to breathe, we sang together.
I don’t remember the specific hymns, but their expressed faith in God led us all in a petition on her behalf, for God’s help at that very instant. There was no ‘take up your bed and walk‘ moment, but there was a miracle enough to touch our souls. God was near and a very present help to my loved one.
Remembering past and present miracles in our lives, we have every reason for hope. Circumstances can’t rob a foundation built on Christ – particularly one of His making!
Hope Shared
To this day, I thank God for the faithful friend who shared this with me. Psalm 27:13-14 changed and continues to give encouragement to my life.
‘I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see
Psalm 27:13-14 NASB
the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living.
Wait for the Lord;
Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for the Lord.’

We may get distracted. Circumstances may get overwhelming, and we sometimes forget for a season. But when we gather our senses and place our hope in Christ alone, then we can take courage, releasing our fears and anxieties to Him and rest securely in His goodness.
Have you considered where or in whom your hope lies? I share further about My Hope in a post here. If you have any questions or comments, let’s chat real soon.

You are that friend to me who shared Psalm 27:13-14. I take great comfort in these verses each day since you shared them with me. Thank you for sharing your past and God’s sanctifying work in your life. It is truly beautiful!
I’m so pleased to hear the Lord uses Psalm 27:13-14 to comfort you often! And thank you for your comments. You are always a blessing to me!
The Lord must be telling me something as this chapter keeps coming to me. A visiting pastor preached on it and then continued the next Sunday to finish it. I had already found it a great chapter to lean on for comfort. I also like the beginning of this chapter due to the fact that as a young choir member we sang “The Lord is my light and my salvation” It was so beautiful I have never forgotten it. God separated the Light from the darkness and in Him is no darkness at all. He is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Praise God we can follow a God who is all Light, and in that there is JOY, to follow HIM.
Another important part of this chapter is at the end . Wait on the Lord, Be of good courage, and He will strengthen your heart. Wait on the Lord.
Very encouraging! Thank you for commenting!! The Holy Spirit is awesome like this, guiding and directing with the Word. Psalm 27:1,13-14 are some of my most referenced verses. Sometimes waiting on the Lord is challenging, but when we do, we find peace.
Renee as I reread your words this morning I prayed them for you and all of us during this time.