One ‘Cup of Joe’ At A Time.
With a cup of Hao Bao Bao medium roasted Brazil Coffee in hand, I’m excited to share a beautiful love story with you today! It’s an adoption love story and a ‘love your neighbor’ opportunity that you and I can play a part.
Love your neighbor with Hao Bao Bao Coffee

Please allow me to present to you, the Mann family! Brittany Mann is the daughter of a friend I serve alongside in church ministry. I briefly met Brittany and the Mann children after church recently, while they were visiting here in Indiana. The children are precious and dearly LOVED!
We hear of so much tragedy and despair in this world. Unmet needs around us are urgent and overwhelming. We know in our hearts that ‘loving our neighbors,’ is far more than a good intention or a kind feeling towards others. But for too many of these situations, beyond praying for God’s intervention, there is a sense of helplessness, not knowing HOW to do more.
We can all help!

And that is why I’m so pleased to tell you about the Manns and their Hao Bao Bao Coffee. In regards to bringing waiting orphans home to their forever families, they have found a way for us to help and love our neighbor!
Meet the Mann Family

Brittany and Darren Mann tell their story beautifully on their blog at Hao Bao Bao Coffee, as well as updates on their Facebook @HaoBaoBaoChina, and Instagram @HaoBaoBaoCoffee pages. Please follow the links to find answers to many of the questions that they’ve encountered, – they may be similar to your own. I have to warn you, I carefully read each of the posts while preparing for this one, and my heart is bursting. We must do something!
Hao Bao Bao | “Precious Baby”

Briefly, they share their story.
“We are the Mann’s and adopted our sweet son in November 2018 from China. He has adjusted fabulously into our family, so we are beginning our journey to bring another “precious baby” home from China! We started this coffee roasting business to assist in the mountain of adoption expenses and will be using 100% of the profits to bring our son or daughter into our family. We have been roasting coffee personally in a small home roaster for the past twelve years. Our family and friends greatly enjoy our freshly roasted coffee and have encouraged us to sell it on a larger scale. We are so excited to share our delicious coffee with you, as well as working hard to raise money to bring our child home! A perfect blend!
Once our adoption is fully funded, our heart’s desire is to continue selling coffee and use the profits to assist others on their adoption journey, because each child deserves a forever family.
Thank you for partnering with us! We are so thankful for your support!”

Isn’t that awesome?! Currently, there are seven short posts on their blog. They further explain their thoughts on ‘why adoption,’ ‘why China,’ ‘loving your neighbor,’ and several other related topics. I encourage you to read all the posts. It is faith-building and inspiring to catch a glimpse of what the Lord will do with a couple of loving, willing hearts!
This venture will only accumulate funds to serve the Mann family as well as other adoptions if we choose to source our coffee through Hao Bao Bao Coffee. But of course, there’s a worthy question lurking about. Is the coffee any good?!
The honest opinion of two self-proclaimed Coffee Snobs

Stache and I love a great cup of coffee. Between the two of us, we consume quite a lot of black, dark roasted coffee. We appreciate lighter coffee roasts too, but dark and black is our thing. Typically we buy Trader Joe’s coffee beans. But if we’re splurging for the Holidays, we love a pound of Pete’s. Comparatively, Hao Bao Bao Coffee is a Specialty Roasting House coffee that is customizable and gives a great value.
This past week we consumed (along with two other adults in our household) a pound of Guatemala Coffee (Dark) and sampled the Indonesian Sumatra Mandheling Coffee (Dark), Brazil Coffee (Medium), the Expresso Blend, and the Nicaraguan Coffee (Dark). We genuinely enjoyed each one.
This coffee is good!
Our favorite blend so far is the Indonesian Sumatra Mandheling Coffee. Hao Bao Bao Coffee describes it as “fuller-bodied and darker-toned. Low acidity with a predominately chocolaty cup profile. Very little traditional Indo earthy tones like many Sumatra coffees. A little sweet floral upfront and smoky in the aftertaste. Gets strong into the very darker roasts turning semi-sweet with very forward smoky bakers chocolate notes.” And we agree.

I’ll say this broadly as I challenge myself. Have I thoroughly considered Jesus’ words regarding the greatest commandments to ‘love God and love my neighbor?’ Do I let the staggering social needs of our day touch me? Can I do more?
Loving your neighbor by using hard-earned dollars for conscionable purchases is such a small thing. It’s a matter of choice. And yet it has the potential for monumental impact for these dear children! If coffee and gift dollars can help provide a “forever family” for a precious baby or child, why wouldn’t I spend them there? I hope you will consider trying Hao Bao Bao Coffee along with me.
On the off chance that nobody in your life is a coffee-lover, there is another effective way for you to help! Social Media algorithms are a challenge to overcome. They significantly limit the internet reach of small businesses, depending on their level of social engagement. By simply following, liking, and sharing Hao Bao Bao Coffee on both Facebook and Instagram, you will help more coffee-lovers have an opportunity to learn about Hao Bao Bao Coffee.

*Please Note: I am not an affiliate with Hao Bao Bao Coffee and I will receive no benefit related to this recommend and review.