This story is dedicated to our vacation Hosts. You have blessed us with more gifts than can be told.
Thank you with much love!!
Moments with Stache
Before my memories fly away, I simply must tell you about a couple of moments with my husband, Stache, while on vacation this past September.
As it happened, we joined a group of extended family and friends to go on vacation. There were up to 34 of us, depending on the day, together for two…full…weeks! So regarding alone time, you can guess it was scarce, and it had to be intentional.
Maine or Bust
We drove from Central Indiana to Nicatous Lake and Lodge way out in the backwoods of Maine where we stayed a majority of the time. Rustic. Beautiful. Peaceful. My memories immediately bring a smile to my face. The place was perfect.
One afternoon, Stache came into the lodge kitchen where I was putzing with something or other, and he softly says to me, “I want you to come out with me.” Immediately I knew he was referring to going out in a boat on the lake with him.
You all might have guessed by now, that my fifty-five-ish-year-old self, is still a hopeless romantic. My heart literally tripped like a girl. I got a personal invitation from Stache!!
Adventure into the unknown is rarely a natural attraction for me. The idea of it never fails to present a few anxious moments of “choices,” -like to leap or to regret. One choice I particularly loathe to make more than most any other is to disappoint Stache.
Adventure Waiting
So, freaked out as I felt on the inside, I awkwardly, with a brave painted smile, -climbed into a motorboat with him that very afternoon. And off we sped alone together, into the wild blue yonder.
Once I got past myself, satisfied the boat wasn’t tilting too disparagingly in my direction and calculating that I could likely float to any one of the rocky island shores before freezing to death, I relaxed. For the most part. A girl must be prepared for action when faced with such impending likelihoods.
It was glorious. It was quiet. And it was astoundingly beautiful! Stache was patient, allowing me time to get comfortable. He’s used to me that way. He wore a barely contained, half-cocked grin the whole time. He was proud as he could be, showing me all the sights he had discovered the day before. They were inexpressibly grand!
Nothing Common Here
At one point he cut the engine, and we quietly floated in this particularly glass-like smooth water watching a Bald Eagle(!) soar tree top to tree top along the peninsula shoreline. In the distance, we could hear the bugle of what we believe to be, a Bull Elk. This moment was no common everyday experience for two such as us. It was crazy amazing!!
Far better than expected, that grand little vessel (some might consider hardly more than a rowboat), did an excellent job of carrying us around Lake Nicatous. Getting out of it went reasonably well too! I didn’t previously mention the abyss, lurking between the boat and the dock. But neither of us got sucked in, and apparently, neither of us drowned or froze to death through the entire ordeal. Miracles never cease in my world!
Days later, the other moment I mentioned occurred. It was indeed that. Just a moment.
Keep Walking
Stache and I, along with a small group of others, decided to have an unplanned lunch out at Jack’s Snack Shack. It was maybe a half mile up the winding gravel road from the Lodge. Walking a bit by myself along the side of the road suddenly Stache came up behind me and whispers, “Don’t look, just keep walking.”
Now I hardly know how to describe this moment for you. There’s something about being known that is indescribable. To be known, acknowledged AND cared for in that knowledge is… an act of love.
All facetiousness aside, I have what some might consider, an unreasonable terror of snakes. Unreasonable or no, it is real. And Stache knows that. Even the typing of the word, though necessary for the retelling, is far, far out of my comfort zone. Around here we refer to it only as an “S-word.”
Like A Dance
But back to the moment. Like a dance, though previously alone, I instantly moved in sync with Stache. Comforted and directed by his few words, I stepped lightly forward and walked blindly, seeing nothing in front of me, focused on Stache at my back. As quick as it came, the moment vanished. And we walked on.
Though I suspected, until nearly a month had passed, I didn’t definitively know for sure from what Stache protected me. I didn’t need to know, because my heart knew enough.
To Know and Be Known
Something about these two events has continued to grip my heart. It’s the beauty of knowing and being known. The moving forward without seeing. The trust. The desire to please outside my comfort zone and receiving far more than words can ever express.
How very much like my relationship with God. He pursues me and calls me to new places with Him. He is patient and kind. God knows my weaknesses and still loves me. He lends me His strength and leads me to Himself. He displays His glory.
Reminded of Christ
I don’t intend to over-romanticize my relationship with God. But I AM grateful for the experiences in my marriage that remind me of Him. Any moment that focuses reflection on Jesus is precious. I don’t ever want to forget them.
So how about you? Have you experienced similar moments? Moments in your marriage that remind you of experiences with God? I hope you have gratefully journaled them somewhere so they won’t be forgotten. Collect them and let them encourage your faith throughout your life.
And if you can, let’s chat about them. I’d love to hear your stories!

Beautifully told memories!
Thank you for the reminder to intentionally document specific moments/memories. ❤️
Ahh, thanks, Katie! Young and old, we all need reminders of the times God moves on our behalf.
These little moments you’ve shared thrill me! How precious, what a wonderful couple and such a sweet example of their love and trust in each other. Beautifully told!
Thank you, Mallory! I’m so pleased you were blessed by this post!
What a great retelling–and that first picture!
Ahhhh, you found it! Great memories. So pleased you enjoyed the story.
I am so encouraged by this blog. Thank you for this Titus 2 ministry blog!
Thank you for your comment, Kathryn! We encourage each other!!
Thanks gor taking us on your boat ride and walk. I could feel the awe and wonder and love.
just read this and my heart was touched and my eyes are wet. love you
Love you! I am only now seeing your comment. My system didn’t notify me. Glad the story was a blessing to your heart. Big hugs!