Prepping vs. Hoarding and Why You Should Care

Prepping vs. Hoarding and Why You Should Care

Avoiding the Crazy Talk about prepping vs. hoarding – March 2020, I was away from home traveling, as the toilet paper ‘shortage’ unrolled before our disbelieving eyes. Guess who left her bathroom closet dwindled down to the last few...
How To Love Your Children

How To Love Your Children

Not long ago, it dawned on me that I have invested all kinds of effort into learning how to love my husband – and yet I can’t remember a time that I intentionally did the same with my children! Suddenly, the question of ‘how to love your...
BBQ Black-eyed Peas

BBQ Black-eyed Peas

Last But Not Least Third and last in my small series of cooking with dried beans is my BBQ Black-eyed Peas recipe. They are by far the most well-received by my family, and in fact, they are our favorite! Growing up, traditionally prepared, Black-eyed Peas made an...

Lentils with Pasta

Lentils with Pasta Lentils with Pasta is Mediterranean-inspired comfort food at its best. It’s cost-efficient and adapts deliciously to what’s available on hand. Lentils and Pasta3 1/2 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil (*divided – see directions)2...
Lentils with Pasta

Lentils with Pasta

A Confession I have a confession to make. You may have already guessed it from comments I’ve written in other recipes, but – my family generally doesn’t love beans. They have always gratefully eaten them, but it was a chore. And for the life of me, I...