You will find no perfection; it’s just not here. No pristinely perfect grammar and more certainly, no perfect people. Recorded are thoughts and ramblings about my life experience, various encounters with God, family recipes, reviews, and incomplete tales of God’s pursuing grace.
The views and opinions expressed are my own or those of whom I admire. They are carefully considered and where applicable, Biblically sound.
My husband is my loudest fan among many; he’s pretty awesome that way. Getting this blog together has been a collaboration between family and friends, each lending me their unique talents and support. Trust me, the website and various social media extensions would not be available without them!
I sincerely hope you find the contents encouraging to your life and that perhaps you will enjoy learning from the practical stuff scattered throughout. If you happen to see things you disagree with, let’s pleasantly agree to disagree from the start. More to the point, let’s all trust God with any differences, -and love each other as we are called.
While respectful dialog, questions, and comments are welcome, -even encouraged(!), disrespectful comments will be removed. As they say these days, “ain’t nobody got time for that!”
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
P.S. Apparently blogs are serious business these days. Especially if… -well, I guess they always are for all sorts of unimaginable reasons. The above assumptions represent my casual attempt at rallying folks together, to simply be kind. But the powers that be (whoever they are?) tell me it’s wisest to be a little clearer than that. So linked below are several formal ways of saying similar stuff.
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